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FREE 90 minute mini Workshop


September 20th, 10-11:30am UK

September 20th, 10-11:30 am GMT

Ready to Discover more about Recovery Coaching

Join CEO Naetha Uren, in this interactive session as she delves deeper and answers all your questions around Recovery Coaching, it's positive impact in supporting people to achieve long-term sustained recovery and the impact on empowering people, organisations and wider communities in recovery.


Whether you're an individual, a family member, an ally, part of an organisation passionate about making a difference, this workshop is for you!

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Facilitator Naetha RCP-F


We are on a mission is to help people create positive recovery cultures that remove barriers for those affected by addiction. Through our workshops and webinars, we provide valuable resources and knowledge to foster supportive environments, benefiting individuals, families and organisations.


Join us in transforming attitudes towards recovery and become an recovery ally, and empower yourself.

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